A Room of One's Own: My Photo Studio


Here’s a peek into my long-awaited photography studio. I had wanted a dedicated room in which to shoot for longer than I can remember, and since moving out to the ‘burbs a couple of years ago, I finally have the space. I’ve worked hard to transform a portion of the garage into a pleasing environment - fortunately a large window was already in place, and through it I can see the comings and goings on our street (which are, admittedly, few).

Not only are the practical aspects of having a studio important, so is the intention of honoring creative work in this way. In college I took to heart Virginia Woolf’s feminist essay, A Room of One’s Own, written in 1929 (here’s a good summary in The Guardian), and am so very happy and grateful to have my own studio for nurturing creativity.

Thanks for stopping by!


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