Knowing A Place Intimately

Livermore, California, February 2020

Livermore, California, February 2020

Like the well known advice for writers to “write what you know”, this week I took pictures in my own backyard. Ok, not literally, but I did stay close to home and headed to a nearby park. I wanted to revisit the same stretch of landscape that I’ve seen in warmer months, so off I went to take in the bare trees and low, winter sun. The scenery was beautiful, and I’m already thinking about going back.

There is something to be said for getting to know a place intimately, and so far it’s true that the more time I spend with a subject or location, the more I see. Photographer and educator Freeman Patterson said it very well, “If you do not see what is around you every day, what will you see when you go to Tangiers?”

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Thank you.

Laura Farrell