30 years and a change of seasons: Paris' Jardin des Plantes

Le Jardin des Plantes in Paris ~ October 1988

Le Jardin des Plantes in Paris ~ October 1988

One of my favorite photos from my time spent in Paris as a 17 year old is this black and white image taken at the Jardin des Plantes. It was late October, and the sun was setting behind bare trees as I photographed along the Allée Alfred Lacroix Edmond Perrier, looking toward the Esplanade Milne Edwards.

And what an incredibly beautiful backdrop the Galerie de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie is! These botanical gardens in Paris were originally opened to the public in 1640, which is a lot of history to contemplate. Even though the 30 year span between these photos seems like a version of forever, it’s really just a blip in the jardin’s timeline. The garden is part of the National Museum of Natural History (Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle) and it’s a lovely place to have a picnic, something I noticed families doing at each of my visits over the years, no matter the season. As long as it’s not pouring rain, there is plenty to enjoy on the grounds ~ and photograph ~ at the impressive Jardin des Plantes.

Le Jarden des Plantes, Paris ~ June 2018

Le Jarden des Plantes, Paris ~ June 2018

If you have a chance to visit Paris, I recommend that you take a couple of hours to stop in at the Jardin des Plantes. It is a remarkable and exquisitely French destination, right along the banks of the Seine, oh la la.

Laura Farrell