Iconic California: Golden Gate of the Golden State

Golden Gate, March 2020

Golden Gate, March 2020

If you had told me that the view of the Golden Gate bridge at the beach last week-end was a painted backdrop, I would’ve believed it.  My family and I decided on a spur of the moment outing to the ocean, and I’m so glad we did because it turned out to be unusually sunny and clear at the coast. It takes about an hour to get to Baker Beach in San Francisco and our toddler really loves going… we like to walk barefoot along the water’s edge, and we also enjoy people and people & dog watching

To me this iconic symbol of California and the West represents hope, going forward, prosperity (Gold Rush!), possibility, romance, grandeur, and a meaningful spot from which to gaze out at the vastness of the Pacific.

The Golden Gate bridge has been photographed, sketched and painted countless times, understandably so.  I expect I'll continue to work on capturing its image..it’s been special to me for as long as I can remember.

Golden Gate paper print in black frame

Golden Gate paper print in black frame

Golden Gate on eco-maple wood panel

Golden Gate on eco-maple wood panel

Laura Farrell