Hashtag accepted

Laura in Livermore ~ July 2020

Laura in Livermore ~ July 2020


Is the #challengeaccepted trend on Instagram another example of performative activism? I think in part it is, but then so much about the internet age, and social media in particular, is performative. Like it or not, we’re in the selfie era, and performance is baked into the current zeitgeist.

I was invited to participate in this online “challenge” by 3 near and dear women, all of whom I admire for the good work that they do. I’m a feminist and believe in women supporting women. That said, I do question how posting a picture of oneself is advocacy. I mean, it’s not hard. Ultimately I decided to post a black and white pic because doing so represents solidarity. And more than symbolic, if this trending hashtag helps to boost awareness for the cause of women’s rights, which are, of course, human rights, well then, I’m in.

Laura Farrell