It's National Garlic Day! Bon Appétit

Garlic on Cutting Board on wood panel, April 2020

Garlic on Cutting Board on wood panel, April 2020

Happy National Garlic Day! While those who know me wouldn’t call me a “foodie”, I still really appreciate garlic. It’s no surprise that this ancient bulb has successfully infused itself into cuisines across cultures and continents.. garlic adds rich flavor to food and has medicinal uses to boot! According to Wikipedia, garlic is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran. If pressed, I would have to say that my favorite dish featuring garlic is lasagne - I don’t imagine I could ever tire of it.

I’ve long thought to add a “kitchen art” series to my photography portfolio, and Garlic on Cutting Board may end up inspiring one. Stay tuned by joining my email list to hear about new work and limited edition releases. Thanks for stopping by.

Garlic on Cutting Board, 2020

Garlic on Cutting Board, 2020

Laura Farrell