It's Love a Tree Day 2020!

Dr Suess Pine, Livermore, California, March 2020

Dr Suess Pine, Livermore, California, March 2020

It’s Love a Tree Day! When I spotted this whispy pine tree on an early spring outing here in Livermore, California, I had to stop to photograph it. Now that I’ve gone through and picked the best image, I’m not sure if I’m drawn to the tree itself, or perhaps it’s the cloud pattern that I like. Trees can be hard to capture because in order to get the full scale of a tree in a composition, you end up with a certain amount of other stuff in the frame.

I’m calling this print Dr Suess Pine because that’s what came immediately to mind. I intend to look up the official name of this tall, willowy evergreen, but for now am content not knowing it.

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Happy tree hugs!

Dr Suess Pine in natural wood frame and mat board

Dr Suess Pine in natural wood frame and mat board

Laura Farrell