Ceci n'est pas un ballon, a nod to René Magritte and Surrealism


I first heard that my photography style and subject matter are a little bit reminiscent of René Magritte when I was studying at the International Center of Photography in New York (ICP).  It’s true that I’m attracted to vivid blue hues in my work, and I definitely appreciate the whimsical in life and in art.  I’ve not earnestly contemplated surrealism however, nor were Magritte’s paintings ever top of mind, so I can’t say that I fully grasp the thread of connection.

In any case, I’d forgotten about this observation for a long time until my husband said that this recent photograph, Red Balloon with White and Blue is “Magritte-esque”.

I created Red Balloon with White and Blue during an online Maine Media workshop with Lee Anne White in 2020 called ‘Crash Course in Photographic Creativity’ (which is excellent, by the way {if she teaches it again I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone}). I’d long had a vision of doing a sky scene inside of a balloon and was happy to have finally realized it. In homage to René Magritte, whom I admit to knowing little about, here is my Ceci n’est pas un ballon, Red Balloon with White and Blue print.

Today also happens to be my 50th birthday(!), and I think this photograph goes well for the occasion.

You can view Red Balloon with White and Blue here in the online store.

Laura Farrell